What having an organic following of 200k can teach us about authenticity in leadership with actress and influencer Lexi Nimmo

The Leadership After Hours podcast knows that a leader is someone you become, not a position you hold. It takes work on your own self-leadership to achieve higher levels of  self-actualization to find your true authentic self and better connect with others. That's why we invited actor and influencer, Lexi Nimmo, to come on the show and share her perspectives on leadership, influence, and happiness. In addition to her acting career Lexi amassed a massive social media following of over 122K on TikTok and 58K people on Instagram before being an influencer was even a thing. She is certainly an expert at building an audience and a brand. Lexi shared valuable insights about connecting with your authentic self, the power of influencer marketing, and why life is not a series of accomplishments, but a process. Here’s how you can implement these lessons in your life and business.

Connecting with your Authentic Self

Genuine human connection lies in authenticity, and it is a critical component of effective leadership. This means that business leaders and entrepreneurs must prioritize self-actualization and alignment to bring their true selves to work. Your greatest self and life will flow when you are aligned with what gives you energy and how you want to life; instead of living your life trying to adhere to outside standards from your family, co-workers, or culture. By doing so, you can build stronger connections with your teams, clients, and stakeholders. Lexi shares her personal journey of self-growth, and how it has empowered her to be a more effective influencer and leader.

The Rise of Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is reflective of our growing online connectedness and the fact that people now have more choices when it comes to brands, products, and entertainment. To succeed in this landscape, businesses must niche-down and appeal to smaller and more refined circles. Influencer marketing works because of the trust and goodwill of the influencer's audience, not the size of the audience. By partnering with influencers who align with your brand and values, you can tap into their loyal following and build a deeper connection with potential customers. I would also argue that each of us is a micro-influencer. How we act, treat others, and present ourselves influencing everyone around us. The closer to your authentic self you are, the more you found yourself surrounded by people who give you energy, passion, and joy.

Life as a Process

Lexi and I discussed the mental shift in seeing life has a process, not a series of accomplishments or milestones to hit. Our happiness should be found in the act of being present, not in some future outcome. We don't control outcomes, but we do control our thoughts, actions, and processes. Success is really a measure of thinking the right thoughts, taking the right actions, and refining our own individual processes while we enjoy the ongoing process of life. The only reality that exists is the now, so we should embrace it fully. Business leaders must find joy in their journey while staying grounded in the moment and constantly refining their strategies.

I have a saying that I wrote on the board next to my desk during a time I was really struggling with my business not being in the place I wanted it to be at the time. I wrote, “The journey is life, stay in love with the process.” Remembering that life is a process, not a destination, can help us enjoy the present moment and find happiness in the journey; after all the journey is all life is. The wisdom shared by Lexi Nimmo in our recent podcast episode offers valuable lessons for anyone looking to become a better leader or grow their business. By embracing our true authentic selves, we can foster deeper human connections and inspire those around us. Partnering with influencers who align with our values can help us reach niche audiences and build trust with potential customers. So take these lessons to heart and apply them to your leadership and business ventures. Your authentic self, your family, and your clients will thank you for it.


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