Staying Mission Focused!

​Unleash Your Leadership Potential:

Empowering Insights from Season 3

Welcome back, leaders! Season 3 of the Leadership After Hours podcast is here, and trust me when I say we've got something extraordinary in store for you. Brace yourselves because this season is all about celebrating women in leadership! Get ready to be inspired, motivated, and empowered by the incredible stories of these trailblazing female leaders.

In our first episode, I had the honor of sitting down with Gwen Dooley, a true powerhouse in the healthcare industry. From her early days as a nurse practitioner in neurosurgery to her current role as a senior healthcare executive, Gwen's leadership journey is nothing short of awe-inspiring. Our conversation uncovered three critical insights from her leadership journey.

  1. Stay mission-focused: No matter how far removed from the frontline.

Picture the intensity of an emergency room, the precision of military operations, or the complexity of major engineering projects. In these high-stakes environments, every action counts, and staying focused on the mission is paramount. But here's the challenge: as you move up the ladder into administrative roles, the risk of losing sight of the mission increases. It's up to you as a leader to keep your team constantly reminded of the purpose behind their work and the unique role each person plays in achieving success. By cultivating a culture of unwavering mission-driven focus, you'll propel your team to new heights of excellence.

  1. Leadership Is more than just doing the job.

Mastering the technical skills of your field is crucial, but it doesn't automatically make you an exceptional leader. Mastering the skills required to diagnose an illness does not equate to possessing the expertise needed to lead a team of healthcare professionals who are responsible for making those diagnoses. Just like excelling in sales doesn't guarantee you'll excel at leading a sales team. To build a winning team, you must distinguish between technical proficiency and leadership capabilities. That's why at Stronger Leaders Stronger Profits, one of our core "Leadership Truths" is to train and evaluate individuals for their next role before placing them in it. By ensuring that people are trained to the base leadership proficiency required for their next role, you are setting them (and the organization) up for future success.

  1. Self-Leadership is non-negotiable.

As you climb the leadership ladder, the focus shifts from hard skills to emotional intelligence and self-leadership. It's no longer just about mastering tasks; it's about mastering yourself. Emotional intelligence and self-leadership skills can't be acquired by simply reading books, watching YouTube, or attending a workshop. They must be earned through real-life experience and a commitment to constant self-improvement. To thrive at higher levels of leadership, you need to cultivate a high level of emotional intelligence and effectively regulate yourself. This concept, known as self-leadership, is the secret sauce that propels leaders to unparalleled success.

My conversation with Gwen, an extraordinary healthcare leader, was a powerful reminder of the importance of staying mission-focused, dispelling the misconception that technical expertise equals leadership prowess, and developing the critical skills of emotional intelligence and self-leadership.

So, my fellow leaders, are you ready to embark on your journey of empowerment and growth? Let's unlock our full leadership potential, shatter glass ceilings, and make an indelible mark on the world. Get ready to rise, inspire, and lead with unwavering passion. The time to make a difference is now!

Listen to the podcast now.

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