Introducing the NO-APTA Acronym: How to Run an Awesome Meeting

In a recent study by the University of North Carolina reported that 65% of senior managers said that meetings interrupted their workflow, while 71% deemed meetings as both unproductive and inefficient, and 64% revealed that meetings are stealing valuable time for deep thinking and reflection.

There is a ton of information out there on how meetings should run, but don’t worry, we did the research and distilled all that information into the acronym NO-APTA, which outlines the six essential steps to ensure your meetings are effective, efficient, and leave a lasting impact.


Let's dive right in and start with the first letter - N, which stands for Necessary. Meetings are not just about gathering people in a room; they require valuable resources, especially time. Before scheduling a meeting, ask yourself: "Is it absolutely necessary?" Will it foster collaboration and generate meaningful outcomes that can't be achieved through other means? If not, consider alternative communication platforms like email, Slack, or WhatsApp to disseminate information without wasting precious time.


Moving on to the next letter - O, which represents Objectives and Agenda. To make your meeting purposeful, clearly define its objectives and create a well-planned agenda. Identify what needs to be accomplished and outline the topics to be discussed. This will keep the conversation focused and ensure everyone is on the same page.


Now let's talk about the letter A - Attendees. Determine who truly needs to be present at the meeting. Send them a calendar invite with the objectives and agenda in advance so they can come prepared. By involving the right people, you'll maximize productivity and ensure that decisions are made by those who contribute most effectively.


Preparation is vital, and that's where the letter P comes into play. As a leader, it's crucial to be prepared and show respect for everyone's time. Arrive at the meeting at least five minutes early, thoroughly familiarizing yourself with the agenda and any related materials. By doing so, you demonstrate professionalism and set a positive example for others to follow.


Moving swiftly to the letter T, no, not that T. Swift, we’re talking Timelines. Time management is paramount in running an effective meeting. Assign a timekeeper to help ensure each agenda item stays within the allocated time frame. Consider using visual cues like yellow, orange, and red cards to indicate how much time remains for each item. Encourage active participation by allowing team members to use chat or interrupt verbally when necessary. Sticking to a timeline helps maintain focus, address all objectives, and prevent unnecessary delays.


Finally, we arrive at the last letter - A, which stands for Action Plan. A successful meeting should result in actionable outcomes. Clearly define the actions that must be taken due to the meeting and assign responsibility to individuals. Set deadlines for each action item and establish accountability for their completion. This ensures that progress is made and that the meeting serves as a catalyst for positive change.

Remember the acronym NO-APTA: Necessary, Objectives and Agenda, Attendees, Prepare, Timeline, and Action Plan. By following these six steps, you'll be well on your way to running truly awesome meetings that engage participants, generate results, and respect everyone's valuable time.

So, go forth, implement these principles, and watch your meetings become the highlight of the day!


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