Competing in the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) Masters World Championship

Well, I’m about to put it all on the line again! I’m flying to Las Vegas to compete in the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) Masters World Championship this week. I’ll be competing against other Black Belts in my age group. My wife asked me why with everything I have going on with Executive Coaching, Speaking, and building Stronger Leaders Stronger Profits, I wanted to add train-up for the World Championships. The answer is the struggle or, more importantly, the reward of struggle.

  1. Jiu-Jitsu as an A-hole Filter: Life is full of filters, and jiu-jitsu is no exception. It takes courage to step into that first class, knowing you're a beginner in a room full of experienced practitioners. But guess what? That's exactly what sets jiu-jitsu apart. It weeds out those with big egos and rewards those who embrace mental fortitude and determination. Through this process of self-selection, you'll find yourself surrounded by like-minded individuals who value growth over comfort and who are willing to suck at something to become better. These are people you want to be around.

  2. Embrace the Constant Evolution: In life, there's no steady state. You're either growing stronger or weaker, smarter or dumber. This holds true for your mindset and business as well. Jiu-jitsu teaches us the importance of stress inoculation - pushing ourselves beyond our limits to break down and rebuild our mindset stronger than ever before. Just like how you stress and break down a muscle for it to grow back stronger, you have to do the same with your mindset. Jiu-Jitsu is like human chess. The best activities to build resilience include both a mental and physical component.

  3. Join a Tribe: As humans, we are designed to live in tribes, in communities where we can learn, grow, and thrive. In today's world, our tribes have become disconnected, leaving us feeling isolated. But in jiu-jitsu, you find a tribe of like-minded individuals who speak the same language - the jargon of jiu-jitsu. We are bonded through joint struggle, not comfort. This connection fulfills a primal, genetic need within us, bringing comradery, growth, and a shared purpose. In our tribe, we learn from the experienced elders and teach the eager newcomers, building a community of support and continual growth.

Now, I understand that jiu-jitsu might not be for everyone. But if you're reading this, it's because you are a leader dedicated to personal growth and making a positive impact. I encourage you to find your own version of jiu-jitsu - whether it's joining a running club, practicing hot yoga, or finding solace in a meditation center. Have you ever heard of the Proximity Principle? Who you spend time with is one of the strongest predictors of your future. Surround yourself with people who challenge you to grow and refuse to settle for mediocrity.

Remember, life is about doing hard things, embracing challenges, and making your journey count. I believe in you, and I know there is greatness inside. What a shame it would be never to experience what you are truly capable of.

-Sean Patton


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